Thursday, September 3, 2009

Training: Week 8

I have really been off with my training and I have been a little down on myself. Brian was out of town for 2 weeks and I ran myself to exhaustion between taking care of the dogs and working 15 of the last 17 days, including 3 community events. I have 2 more days of work and then 2 days off and back to my regular schedule...whew!

So, last week I did nothing for training...nothing! I worked, came home, ate, slept. I did attempt to get up at 5:45am to run, but it was dark outside and I rolled back over.

This week started with a crazy work week, but it has leveled out now and I am back on track (for the most part). I am really looking forward to my long run on Sunday and then I am hitting the beach for two days!

This week was supposed to consist of three 4-mile Easy Runs, but since I was slack last week I am going to modify this week to make up some training. I missed my Tuesday run, but I had a good 5 mile run at The Loop today.

So here is the plan for the rest of the week:

Friday - cross training

Saturday - OFF - working at the gym

Sunday - 8 miler! Check it out: WB8