Monday, August 3, 2009

6 miler

I had a good 6 mile run yesterday morning, as scheduled. I planned a route at Wrightsville Beach that started at the Loop and went down to the Coast Guard station and back. Here is the link to the route: WB 6 Mile

I knew I had to get down there early so it wouldn't be so hot, but a a little rain gave me a late start. Nonetheless, I was off and running at 8:07 AM. It felt great, but it was humid once the sun came blazing down. According to my training plan, my pace was scheduled to be 12:17/mile and I completed my run in 1:17:25, so I was close to pace. I did have to walk for three 1 minute recovery periods because there were a couple sections that were so hot with no breeze at all! All in all I felt like it was a good run and I am happy that I am still moving forward.

Here is a post-run pic!